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No catch. You may get access to the site in multiple ways: gain access from your school or company, purchase as individual, or utilise a free seat availability for Finnish residents.

No. Your data will not be distributed or sold to marketers.

Yes. We are secured in many ways. Our site uses the latest technology, is https and we are protected in many ways in addition to securing all our customer data.

Depends on your location. It's free for Finnish residents. For other locations and institues and companies we have deals available.

We cover all key areas of game education from business to tech and art and not forgetting design! Game Design Canvas is very useful for game creation and you can also get templates for production plan, business plan, marketing, cv and many many other areas!

Yes. Many have started their success story with us! Our former students now work in very good positions in the industry from managers to founders and to leads! Our to the industry package is targeted for entering the market!

We support Chrome and Safari browsers. Firefox has multiple knows issues and is therefore not supported.

Either buy purchase or if you are an Finnish resident, enroll as a student to Metropolia Open. More info here.

After purchase you will gain access to your courses.

Our review average is 4.6!

The courses are made by top game educators from Finland. The materials have been tested already over the years and deliver high learning results.

Access to the courses, templates, videos and other useful material, and Certificates and Diplomas upon completion

Yes. We have thousand of students already all around the globe!

After purchase, you may need to logout and login to activate your courses. If the issues persists, please contact us. If you are a Finnish resident, have you enrolled at Metropolia Open UAS for a sponsored seat and have you been approved? If so, you will get information about being accepted. Check also your spam folder for the activation email from Edugametion!

We support Chrome and Safari browsers. Firefox has multiple knows issues and is therefore not supported.

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