Edugametion Edugametion Edugametion Game Demo Project Game Demo Project Edugametion Login Login Edugametion Register Register Edugametion Login0

Welcome to the Game Demo Project

Here's your Project

All concepts are owned by their respective creator.
Game Design Canvas is property of Edugametion. Copyright Edugametion Oy 2015-2023. All rights reserved.

Designer for each team will be the creator of the concept.
Each team can hold one producer, multiple programmers, artists and business developers. Sound developers are not yet part of the development via us, but can be included otherwise!

You may join multiple concepts, but once a project starts, you can only be in one team.
Before a team starts, you need to confirm you participation.
Enlist only to teams where you are sure to contribute.

To get your game here, create a canvas at Game Design and Gamefication 1, enrol to the Game Demo Project and submit your Canvas for approval!

Status of the team: PHASE x

0 Designer:
1 Producer:
2 Programmers:
3 Artists:
4 Business developer:


Game Designer: Developers selected
Game Designer: Confirmations received and full team has started.
Game Designer: Project started on xxxDATExxx


Everyone: Discussion channel selected.
Game designer: Game concept presented to everyone.
Everyone: Feedback collected from everyone.
Game designer: Game concept modified based on feedback.


Game designer: Core Ext Wishlist division done.

Everyone: Roles clarified by reading info from the site.

Artists: Concept shots created.

Artists: Concept shots shown.

Everyone: Concept shots approved.

Producer: Production plan created.

Producer: Timeline presented.

Producer: Milestones set and explained. Info available from the site too.

Producer: Together with others decide asset distribution system.

Programmer(s): Technical structure and tools of the project decided.

Programmer: Decide version control system (like bitbucket, github, gitlab).

Programmer: Research required algorithms and proceducers.

Business: Business Plan created.


Everyone: Start development.
Everyone: Milestone 1st playable done and presented.
Arists: Submit link to project assest.
Game designer: Arrange playtest session, get other to play the game and collect the feedback.


Everyone: Milestone Alpha done and presented.
Arists: Submit link to project assest.
Game designer: Arrange playtest session, get other to play the game and collect the feedback.
Everyone: Milestone Demo done and project completed.

PHASE 6: DEMO READY (final milestone)

Producer: Submit playable build.
Game Designer: Submit gameplay video if available.
Arists: Submit link to project assest.
Programmers: Submit link to project source code.
NOTE: all assets and code are property of the team and under no circumstances will Edugametion be allowed to use them or distribute them.
Producer: Arrange postmortem: what went right, what wrong, where to improve.
Everyone: Give pier review to others.

Quit a team from here!

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